all about YOU. Yes it is!
Menopause: The Weight Control Alamo? Not!
from frustrated Dieter: “Words cannot explain how much Weight Watchers DOES NOT work for
me. “ This quote is not meant to denigrate Weight Watchers. WW obviously works
well for many people. We included the quote as a reminder that success in
losing weight and maintaining the loss is simply a matter of finding what works
for YOU. And that is where ON THE SHRINK comes in. We understand the facts of
the matter and admit from the outset that everything in these articles will not
work for everyone. But we firmly believe that everyone will find something in each
one that will get them, keep them ON THE
topic of this post will help everyone not just menopausal women, because if
menopausal fat can be conquered—and it can—then any excess fat can be conquered:
Yep, things do
change with menopause. And one of those changes is where the weight is gained. Abdominal fat
packs in around the middle—even on otherwise slim women—and hangs on for dear
life. But what we should not do is simply accept “middle age
spread” as inevitable, assign denigrating names to our burgeoning middles, and
learn to “dress around” them. If you are you looking for ways not to have to
“dress around” excess menopausal fat, you have come to the right place.
What to
do? Do we have listen to those who tell us we cannot control
menopausal weight gain? Really, they are so convincing, many give up before
they even begin! Menopausal weight gain is a fact. Studies show that 12 to
15 pounds is an average weight gain during menopause (some gain even more). But
when it comes to losing it, the information is somewhat conflicting. In many
weight control centers, menopause is a non-issue. Their clients lose weight
regardless of what stage of life they are in (provided they stick to the
program). But in spite of the fact that menopausal weight gain is a reality,
barring a valid medical reason for not being able to lose weight, it is not the
weight control Alamo it is touted to be.
check with your doctor before undertaking any weight loss effort. If your doctor says losing weight is okay for you, and you are
fortunate enough to be reading this before you hit menopause, you already have
an edge. When it comes to menopausal weight gain, an ounce of prevention really
is worth a pound of cure. Head it off at the pass. Establish some new habits
and take control of your weight before it seems to become unmanageable.
Notice we said, seems, if
your weight is already creeping up, get aggressive. If it has
already ballooned, seemingly, beyond your power to control—then take control. You still can.
· Cut down or eliminate processed and refined foods. Yes, we do recommend cooking from
scratch. Processed and refined foods are not good for us at any stage of life,
but can especially affect how
our bodies respond to calories during menopause when it becomes more difficult for our
bodies to process them. It is never too late to reduce our intake of these
fat-hoarding processed culprits, but slicing them out of our lives at an early
age can have a profound impact on how our bodies respond to processing calories
during menopause—and the earlier the better!
· Relax. Isn’t it wonderful that relaxing can help you lose weight?
What are some things you find relaxing? Exercise is a great relaxer, that’s a
given, so how about taking some time to enjoy our favorite hobbies, or even
take up new ones? Is there something you have always wanted to do but never
felt you had the time? Now is the time to make the time. Along with hormones, stress
is a significant contributor to weight gain (and belly fat) at any stage of
life but especially so during the emotional ups and downs of menopause (do
email us at "on the shrink at gmail dot com" and let us know some
ways that help you de-stress).
· You know those fresh fruits and veggies we recommended in
the “Getting Started TIP SHEET"? They really do help. You did get the
“Getting Started TIP SHEET didn’t you?" Because if you didn’t you are
cheating yourself of some really easy weight loss. We’ll tell you how to get
one free at the end of this post.
· Whatever you do, do not crash diet to try and lose menopausal
weight. It will backfire and most likely result in even more weight gain.
· Keep moving! Every little bit helps. And
besides, remaining ambulatory in our older years is crucial to enabling us to
stay in our homes and live independently. Do
not get on that Wal-Mart scooter and ride through the store! –unless you really can’t walk. Think
of your trip to Wal-Mart as a trip to the walking track. If you are so
inclined, join a gym and learn some resistance training via machines or even
free weights. Resistance training really kicks up our metabolism and packs a
wallop against belly fat.
· Bad news: Menopausal weight gain can continue into our
mid-sixties—ouch! But not for everyone. Good news: Studies show that calcium
and Vitamin D supplements can help slow post-menopausal weight gain. Whew! Most
women do not get enough of these supplements anyway. The earlier we start
taking them the better. They are good for our bones, and good calcium
supplements help us relax too. That’s good for weight control. What else? Oh,
they help us sleep better. And that’s good for weight control. Isn’t it
wonderful that so many things are good for weight control?
· And last but not least. Here it is. Drum-roll . . . calorie
restriction. No, we are not dieting! But we are changing the kinds
of food we eat (which can naturally reduce calories), and, hopefully, we are
eating more times per day—not less. Isn’t that
(Look Ahead: Help an adolescent fend off menopausal weight gain): “ScienceDaily (June 9, 2010) — Young
girls who drink soda have less healthy diets through adolescence than their
peers who do not drink soda, according to a Penn State study. The ten-year
study showed that girls who drank soda at age five had diets that were less
likely to meet nutritional standards for the duration of the study, which ended
at age 15. Girls who did not drink soda at age five did not meet certain
nutritional requirements, but their diets were healthier. “
As we have
already noted, our eating habits while we are young can have a serious impact
on how our bodies process menopausal calories later. Scientific studies are
showing that it really is never too young to begin thinking ahead when it comes
to healthy weight control.
won't want to miss our next article, so subscribe to this blog now. Next
ARTICLE: Food supplements that help you lose right now and actually help keep the weight off
over the long term. You won't want to miss this one!
understand that every single thing in our articles is not for everyone. But one
or more things in each article will help you take off pounds and keep them off!
We want to hear from you about which tips worked for you—and don’t forget to
send before and after pics!
Would you like to
receive our GETTING STARTED TIP SHEET for FREE? Send us your story
about why you love ON THE SHRINK, a before and after picture (or at least a
before pic and a sincere promise to send an after pic—actually a series
every 8 or 10 lbs weight loss is even better! Along with permission to
publish of course, and we will give you our TIP SHEET for FREE.
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other. We never know how our stories might encourage someone who may be ready
to give up--even stories of our failures! That's right. Reading about someone
else's experience in failing forward may help a struggling one not feel so
badly about themself. It may be just the bit of encouragement they need to go
the distance. So let us hear from you as you go ON THE SHRINK!
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