Saturday, June 13, 2015

Vegetarian Weight Control

As a weight control counselor I would come across clients who were bewildered because they were vegetarians, who ate little to no junk food, yet still had a weight problem. My solution. Add protein. Protein supports muscles which are critical to weight loss and weight control. 

Eggs are a perfect source of protein as is yogurt (Greek yogurt is loaded with protein). Quinoa is a great vegetarian source of a perfect protein. Rice, beans, and a dairy provide a perfect balance of protein and carbs for supporting  (or adding) muscle. 

Even partial vegetarians (flexitarians) should pay attention to protein consumption and make sure they are getting enough.

One of my clients was vegan vegetarian who was also recovered from Bulimia and Anorexia. She had decimated her muscles through years of starvation, eating, and purging. As a result, she seemed helpless to reverse the excess weight gain she had made once she began eating normally again. Her body was continuing to pack on the pounds. Even a low calorie ketosis diet along with 30 minutes of walking every day was not working to help her lose weight.

Since I was a fitness instructor as well as a weight control counselor, I knew that she needed some muscle, because muscle burns fat. So I assigned her some light exercises, using 1 to 2 lb weights, designed to put some stress on her bones and muscles so that her body could begin to rebuild some of the muscle tone she had lost. 

This client was ecstatic when her muscles responded and she began to achieve her ideal healthy weight.

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