A 2018 report sent dieters and exercisers into tailspins of disillusionment with the announcement that exercise was less helpful in weight-loss than previously thought.
What?! All that exercise for nothing?
Don't give up that daily walk or gym membership yet.
The article had a narrow focus on calories consumed -vs- calories burned during exercise. They should have saved their time and effort on publishing that article. For two reasons, we were not impressed.
- Yes, exercise does burn calories. And the number of calories burned during each walk or exercise session, multiplied by the number of weekly walks or workouts, will make a difference in over-all health and weight.
- Exercising, even with light weights or light settings on machines, increases muscle and bone density, along with endurance. We need strong bones and without muscle our metabolisms grind to a near halt.
Muscle burns fat. The more muscle density we have, the more calories we burn, even when we are not moving.
So, take heart. Get moving!
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