Sunday, October 28, 2012

Number one best way to lose weight

Is the number one best way to lose weight really to track every single thing you eat and drink? Well, you could certainly do that. It does work for a lot of people. But then, that would be dieting wouldn't it? And seriously, who can maintain that as a lifestyle?

How about taking a long term approach, as in lifestyle change. Take a close look at what you are eating, then make some healthy substitutions you can live with for life? Yes, we are advocating giving up some foods almost entirely. Almost. We understand that there are times when the coconut cream pie, the chocolate fudge, or the Chips Ahoy and milk are certainly in order. But that would be the exception not the rule.

My old favorites? Either a daily double dose of ice cream or chips ahoy (8 to 10 of them) with a cup or two of milk to dip them in (I still indulge once in a very blue moon). My new standby? A homemade mix of coconut  flakes, sliced almonds, and chopped dates. Very sweet and chewy. Definitely comfort food. And....drum roll.....Good for me!

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An "On The Shrink" Original Recipe: Delicious NO SUGAR Dessert

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